Forums - Ryu, Ken, & Akuma Team Show all 68 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Ryu, Ken, & Akuma Team ( Posted by Sheng Long on 08:04:2000 09:48 AM: I like to use this team alot in the arcade they are a very well balanced team I just wanna know does any know any good preferably long combos for Ryu or Akuma(especially Ryu) /ubb/biggrin.gif ------------------ You can not defeat my Sheng Long Punch Posted by darkgohan45 on 08:04:2000 11:28 AM: This team is refered as the Shotokan Team, a well balanced team. ------------------ Darkgohan45 Posted by Sheng-Long on 08:05:2000 12:09 AM: It's easy to DHC their Hyper combos, I get screwed though when using all of them in one team since they vary in speed and their normal moves are almost the same so my timing gets a bit screwy, I tend to put Ryu somewhere else. ------------------------------------------- Original Sheng-Long Posted by Jin Saotome on 08:05:2000 02:34 AM: Ryu doesn't have any particularly long combos, he just doesn't have the speed or the right kinds of moves to pull them off. Here are some that are really easy to pull off and do lots of damage: (Close)cr. short, cr. forward, cr. roundhouse xx Shinkuu Tetsumaki Senpu Kyaku st. short, st. forward, st. roundhouse, Tetsumaki Senpu Kyaku xx Shinkuu Hadouken st. jab, st. strong, st. fierce, Hadouken xx Shinkuu Hadouken st. jab, d. fierce, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. strong(double-hit) xx Shinkuu Hadouken Of course, there are many more but those are the most versatile and easy to do Akuma's got more combos but, like Ryu, his moves aren't designed to be chained together into a huge combo...a few more simple combos st. jab, st. strong, st. fierce, Gou Hadou xx Messatsu Gou Hadou or Messatsu Gou Shoryu st. jab, st. strong, st. fierce, Tetsumaki Zankuu Kyaku xx Tenma Gou Zanku st. jab, cr. fierce, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. strong, sj. forward, Tetsumaki Zankuu Kyaku xx Tenma Gou Zanku ------------------ HEY, BLODIAAA!!! Posted by ReCharredSigh on 08:05:2000 02:52 AM: Yeah, i guess while i don't use Akuma and Ken as much as I use Ryu, this is a really good team. Each person's strengths help add up. The fact that Ryu is slower helps make you have to change your strats depending on who you switch in, so it confuses your opponent as to what you're gonna do. If you are gonna dhc, my suggestions is to put Ryu or Akuma last, then you can use their level 3 super combos to wreck massive life. actually, i prefer putting Ryu last since his level 3 even when damage-buffered does more than the raging demon damage buffered. Probably have Akuma do his MessatsuGouShoryu so you can combo into it, then have ken do his shippujinraikyaku, and then have ryu do his shinshoryuken. Sheng Long, you were reading the juggernaut/ryu combos post right? try that massive vaccum hurricane kick combo with Ryu. so, i'll just review. get Ryu corner trapped. and have max level. do Ken/Akuma's hurricane kick assist, which lifts them off the ground. immediately do a ShinkuuTatsumakiSenpuukyaku walk forward, tap LP twice, then immediately do a ShinkuuTatsumakiSenpuukyaku walk forward, tap LP twice, then its your inprovision from here. you can continue this routine until you are empty, then launch into a 5-hit air combo, or you can stop at the 4th vacuum hurricane kick, and launch into a 4-hit air combo ending in a shinkuuhadoken, or you can do my favorite- go for the 3-hit shin shoryuken!!! a simple, but cool looking ryu insane combo. im surprised he could pull off something like this! ok, ryu usually doesn't have insane combos, just remember one more thing... you can do c.short, c.fierce/\ sj.jab, sj.short, sj.strong, sj.forward, sj.fierce, sj.roundhouse, sj.short, sj.forward, sj.roundhouse with ryu, but chances are you need to corner trap your opponent to do this. people usually say that you need to pause between the forward and the fierce. oh, and the last three hits of the air combo are done immediately while Ryu is falling down from the 6-hit air combo for akuma, try this; corner trap opponent, j.jab-->air hurricane kick\/, d.s.jab,s.fierce-->hadoken-->MessatsuGouHado, c.roundhouse(otg)-->hurricanekick-->TenmaGouZankuu and for ken; corner trap opponent, j.jab,j.forward\/, d.c.jab,c.short,c.forward-->hadoken-->Shoryureppa, Shinryuken(otg)/\j.jab,j.short,j.strong,j.forward,\/ /\j.short,j.forward,j.roundhouse all these types were seen off a combo movie that i had, so don't say that they can't be done. ------------------ The only cheese I tolerate is the crud you put on a pizza. "Get up! Show me your true power!" -Ryu in SF3 Posted by darkgohan45 on 08:06:2000 05:17 AM: Ken is a all around character, i still think ken should be picked as much as ryu ------------------ Darkgohan45 Posted by JimmyJames on 08:07:2000 04:42 AM: those characters suck. get a new team. ken is the only OKAY person because of his damaging air combo. but they all still suck. Posted by ReCharredSigh on 08:07:2000 11:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by JimmyJames: those characters suck. get a new team. ken is the only OKAY person because of his damaging air combo. but they all still suck. not necessarily so, it all depends how well each person plays them. but all the shotos are pretty well balanced, especially akuma and ryu. unless you wanna tell us who you use? Sheng Long, i wanna correct something i wrote earlier; the c.short, c.fierce/\sj.jab, sj.short, sj.strong,sj.forward,sj.fierce,sj.roundhouse, sj.short,sj.forward, sj.roundhouse Ryu corner air combo will not work in MVC2; but you can still possibly do a 6-hit air combo with Ryu(sj.jab,sj.short,sj.strong,sj.forward,sj.fierce,sj.roundhouse) but you still need to corner the opponent first. the timing is still tricky, and i have pulled it off occasionally, but still haven't exactly figured out the timing. ------------------ The only cheese I tolerate is the crud you put on a pizza. "Get up! Show me your true power!" -Ryu in SF3 Posted by Jin Saotome on 08:07:2000 12:19 PM: Akuma BALANCED?! That sissy takes the worst damage in the game...he's a pure-bred offense character and his defense is absolute crap...he's probably the least useful among the Shotos against an average player simply because the damage he does just isn't enough to make up for the damage he takes. Posted by JimmyJames on 08:08:2000 02:27 AM: exactly jin. akuma is too weak. ryu just sucks, no combos... and his supers are weak. actually all of the shoto's supers are weak. i use magneto, cable, and some other person like zagnief, juggs, spiral, anakaris, dr. doom, captain america, or guile. there are the people i use the most. i am one of the top fighters in my arcade.. i'm from seattle. i always drive south and north to try to find better players but no matter what arcade i goto i dominate. Posted by Sheng-Long on 08:08:2000 06:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by JimmyJames: exactly jin. akuma is too weak. ryu just sucks, no combos... and his supers are weak. actually all of the shoto's supers are weak. i use magneto, cable, and some other person like zagnief, juggs, spiral, anakaris, dr. doom, captain america, or guile. there are the people i use the most. i am one of the top fighters in my arcade.. i'm from seattle. i always drive south and north to try to find better players but no matter what arcade i goto i dominate. Haha, this is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Posted by JimmyJames on 08:08:2000 07:09 AM: you asked. and my team kicks ass. no one can beat me. especially you if you use the shoto's. they suck.. they are too weak. too basic also. i notice you didn't put your team up because you have no idea how to use characters that require skill to use i bet. Posted by IoriYagami on 08:08:2000 08:51 AM: jimmy james- wtf . you are the best? you sound pretty cheesy to me ! cable , juggs , doom ! Its not cool to be downing people telling them they suck like you did. I bet they could probley waste juggernaut that sorry combo meat. and cable , i dont care what anyone says hes all cheesy , and doom is only cool because of his taunt and his chip damage . Posted by IoriYagami on 08:08:2000 08:54 AM: oh yea and jimmy what you calling basic ? you play jug. who has one hyper combo , and maybe 2 special moves .... thats pretty basic to me.. Posted by JimmyJames on 08:08:2000 09:45 AM: i haven't met anyone who i cannot consistantly beat. and juggs and dr doom were only some of the characters i listed, and i don't use dr doom just for a cheesy assist like idiots do, i use him and combo everything together. magneto is my best, and his keep away game sucks. no one beats my magneto so i don't even really get to play the other characters i use too. you are very stupid if you think anakaris takes no skill to use, spiral, captain american, and don't forget ZANGIEF... christ... you don't read the whole post do you? i only use those chars sometimes. zangief is one of my favorite and one of my best, i beat some guy with zangief alone against his cheesy iceman/dr doom team.. it was so pathetic.. the best around here are supposed to be south center but they suck. i am simply saying i am a good player and i wish i had some kind of challenges around here. the only time i start to cheese is after i beat someone like 5 times with comboing only and i get sick of playing them and their stupid same chars so i kill them fast. it takes skill to bust the magneto tempest combo every time and i do it. i rarely use juggs and dr doom, i hate cheese chars. i have cable on my team but i don't cheese with him, i jump in and do air combos, and if you send a helper out i use cable to kill it. it's not cheap, it's a style of play... if you are dumb enough to bring a helper out when i have cable that's your fault. and when you see me doing it on the computer don't play me the whine that it's cheap when you've been waiting 5 turns to play me and i do the same thing i did to the other people... i hate people who whine like that. like you. go get some skills you stupid newbie. Posted by JimmyJames on 08:08:2000 09:47 AM: oh yeah btw, i never once said he sucked, once again you must not be reading the whole post you f'ing moring. i said those characters suck. i do believe ryu is the worst of the shoto's, akuma has some decent combos but he is still WEAK especially on defense. ken is the best of the 3 and his launcher/dash suck. his supers are weak also.. next time read the entire post before you start tryin to talk trash. Posted by Sheng Long on 08:08:2000 11:37 AM: Only Scrubs would write big ass paragraphs expaining who they dont cheat even though he be cheatin his ass off. It's o.k. man we see why u drive from arcade to arcade it's because u keep gettin booted out for cheating. Everyone knows Cable's real name is "cheap" There's no such thing as a good combo with cable he was put on the game for cheatas like u. Oh yeah the Shotokans are the most balanced characters on the game. It's kinda hard to fail wit character's who have a lil bit of every thing. ------------------ You can not defeat my Sheng Long Punch Posted by JimmyJames on 08:08:2000 01:41 PM: cable is one of the best characters in the game logically thinking, but you're probably just some stupid little kid who whines and whines cuz you pick dumb people on your team, that's why you haven't mentioned it yet. and i see again you don't read the whole post, you just see "cable" and think cheap. Posted by IoriYagami on 08:08:2000 06:49 PM: Stupid newbie? whered you get that one Jimmy? i bet i kill you at any game you want to play me in. except for irritating stick. But anyway, i use everyone in the game my favs being omega red, shuma , magneto , guile , charlie , and bison. I suck? i dont think so. Do you not see the combos i post ? ah but whatever i dont need to argue over the interent over something lame like this ... Posted by ReCharredSigh on 08:09:2000 03:00 AM: Whoa, Jimmy, it is going pretty extreme to say that all the shotos suck. I not gonna argue with anyone, but i don't think any of the shoto's super combos are weak. Cept for maybe one of ken's and one of akuma's. 40% damage for a super combo is not weak. And I think Ryu's supposed to be the best of the three shotos. Just my two cents. If you think you're so good, go to some tournament that comes after the B4 tournament. No one can say they are the best. Every person is beaten by at least one other. Trust me on this one. And if the US doesn't have some James Chen that can kick your ass, i most certainly bet someone in Japan or Canada could do so. I'm not trying to act like a badass myself. I just don't understand why you can just brag like the way you just did. ------------------ The only cheese I tolerate is the crud you put on a pizza. "Get up! Show me your true power!" -Ryu in SF3 Posted by JimmyJames on 08:09:2000 07:37 AM: james chen sucks. he can only do combos against non moving computers. all of the combos he does i have seen before he creates the video. james chen has no skill. and i am not saying i'm the best, but so far no one has been able to consistantly beat me... maybe 1 out of 10 times they beat me by luck. or i let them kill me so i can change characters. and for one of the shoto's to do 40% damage you must be playing against kobun or roll. because their supers ARE weak. Posted by HotKola on 08:09:2000 08:17 AM: Until you have contributed something that proves an ounce of your skill, shut up. Posted by Sheng Long on 08:09:2000 09:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by HotKola: Until you have contributed something that proves an ounce of your skill, shut up. Thank u Hot Kola, he aint nothin but a Scrub wit a big mouth, he probly don't even know what a glitch is. And to say James Chen sucks u gotta really have a lot of ballz. I bet u he could whoop yo ass wit a team like Kobun, Roll, and Anarkis or some shit. Until u can show me some videos with u whoopin someone's ass with 130 hit manual combos wit only 2 supers (Mega Man MvC1 video) or until u can do a 49 hit combo wit Dan with no assists don't say nothin else. /ubb/mad.gif As a matter a fact if u cant be acknowledged as a good player, on this site, just keep ya mouth shut because u makin yourself look stupid. ------------------ You can not defeat my Sheng Long Punch Posted by JimmyJames on 08:09:2000 09:32 AM: again this shows just how stupid you are. anakaris rocks. but you wouldn't know that because you use dumb characters like the shoto's. except ken. ken kicks some ass. but you think anakaris sucks? lol.. anakaris is pimp. Posted by ShadowLady on 08:09:2000 09:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by JimmyJames: james chen sucks. he can only do combos against non moving computers. all of the combos he does i have seen before he creates the video. james chen has no skill. and i am not saying i'm the best, but so far no one has been able to consistantly beat me... maybe 1 out of 10 times they beat me by luck. or i let them kill me so i can change characters. and for one of the shoto's to do 40% damage you must be playing against kobun or roll. because their supers ARE weak. HEY!!!!! Are you the guy that sent me those emails claiming that your combos are better than mine and j.chensors? You are extremely annoying and cocky and your combos wont hold up with anything to the combos i'll ever come up with. If you claim all of your combos are better than mine, prove it. And I know that anything james chensor comes up with is a million times better than the crap you try to pretend you have. If this isnt you, sorry since you sound like the loser that is annoying me. Anyways, if anyone recognizes this email address,, please inform me who this is. He called me ShadowLady and this is the only site I use this username. Posted by Sheng Long on 08:09:2000 09:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by JimmyJames: again this shows just how stupid you are. anakaris rocks. but you wouldn't know that because you use dumb characters like the shoto's. except ken. ken kicks some ass. but you think anakaris sucks? lol.. anakaris is pimp. I can use everybody on the game I just like the shotos because I've ben using them way before any of the vs. series came out. And you're also wrong again Anarkis is the most shittiest most worthless player in the game next to Roll. U hardly ever see anyone just str8 up pick Anarkis, c'mon now its Anarkis for cryin out loud people didnt even use his ass in darkstalkers that much they shoulda put some like Donovan Baine or Demetri in his place or John Tolbain or somebody beside Anarkis...WTF is an Anarkis anyway I mean C'mon WTF. /ubb/mad.gif ------------------ You can not defeat my Sheng Long Punch Posted by Jin Saotome on 08:09:2000 12:51 PM: Well, if you look at the James Chen combo video on the Darkstalkers, you can see all the potential that Anakaris has with comboing his Pharaoh Magic in his air combo and OTGing after that...I feel that he's way underestimated and can do a hell of a lot of damage really quickly if used properly...definitely not a beginners character. And JimmyJames, I'm surprised that ANYONE can say that James Chen sucks...I respect him so much for making the time to come up with those combos, practice them until he can do them, and take the time to make them into mpegs and send them to If you have the capabilities and the equipment to prove that you're better than James Chen, send a video to the Shoryuken staff and prove it...otherwise all you are is talk and no substance. That's all I've got to say right now. Peace everyone. ------------------ HEY, BLODIAAA!!! Posted by JimmyJames on 08:09:2000 01:05 PM: no, i am sorry i am not the person emailing you morigan.. or shadowlady (sorry forgot what your name is) and anakaris is not the worst character. you just have to have some skill to use him like jin says.. only a scrub would say he is a bad character lol /ubb/smile.gif all the time in the arcade i pick him on purpose.. a simple air combo from him will do more than 50% damage.. just as powerful as magneto's tempest combo. except you can't escape anakaris' combo like you can magneto's. i do respect james chen i was pissed when i wrote that last post.. he does come up with good comboes but most of the stuff i have seen.. and it's very repetative with all the characters how it's only an air combo... then a relaunch in the corner. 90% of those combos would not work in a REAL match.. people would roll or tech hit. one combo i was impressed with was liquidmetal's dhalsim combo. that was tyteeeeeee. Posted by Jin Saotome on 08:09:2000 03:24 PM: If you read our posts on the topic of James Chen's new video in the news section you'll be able to read his reply to the usefulness of his's an excerpt from his reply: So I make my combos with the mindset that they are merely for exhibition. My only goal, then, is to make the longest or strangest or coolest combos I can come up with. I make them up with the idea that it's something for people to try on their own in Training Mode, not with the idea that you might want to try using this in an actual battle. Thus, I do not care if you can roll out of a combo, because, technically, the Training Mode dummy shouldn't ever roll. ^_^ (Unless, of course, it's MvC for Dreamcast, then it's just annoying... ^_^) I make up the combos to be fun to watch and attempt, not to be practical in actual combat. - James Chen If you have any more qualms with James Chen's videos, I suggest you try them yourself until you can pull them off smoothly enough to make your own video...they may look boring but I'll tell you that they take a damn lot of skill. P.S. I'm not defending him just because I'm Chinese :P ------------------ HEY, BLODIAAA!!! Posted by Nate X Grey on 08:09:2000 03:59 PM: Forget the James Chen combo videos. I respect him and he kicks ass. But try thinking up combos like those from the Marvel vs Street Fighter and X-Men vs Street Fighter exhibition mpeg, THEN talk big. Download it, watch it, try it. Those are some of the most impressive combos I have ever seen in my life. Posted by Nate X Grey on 08:09:2000 04:02 PM: Oh. And please stop flaming... its not good for the image of the board. Everyone has his/her opinions. Tell them if you disagree. But there's really no point in calling another person a mother f*cking sour frog ball s*cking asshole or something like that. /ubb/smile.gif ------------------ Posted by HZ_eh on 08:10:2000 01:59 PM: sorry to offend anyone but i HATE the shoto ppl ... especially in sfa3 ... god they all play the same its so gay .... 9/10 times the person that challenges u will pick a shoto .. it gets soooooooooo boring .. learn to use the other ppl...damn it be creative Posted by HZ_eh on 08:10:2000 01:59 PM: sorry to offend anyone but i HATE the shoto ppl ... especially in sfa3 ... god they all play the same its so gay .... 9/10 times the person that challenges u will pick a shoto .. it gets soooooooooo boring .. learn to use the other ppl...damn it be creative Posted by DUECE on 08:11:2000 06:56 AM: HAY JIMMY JAMES!!!!!!! where in SEATTLE do you play?!?! i'd like to challenge you anyday!!!!!!!!!! /ubb/mad.gif /ubb/mad.gif /ubb/mad.gif DUECE Posted by DUECE on 08:11:2000 06:57 AM: HAY JIMMY JAMES!!!!!!! where in SEATTLE do you play?!?! i'd like to challenge you anyday!!!!!!!!!! /ubb/mad.gif /ubb/mad.gif /ubb/mad.gif DUECE Posted by JimmyJames on 08:11:2000 07:38 AM: i play all over. Posted by DUECE on 08:11:2000 09:00 AM: haha nevermind i know it's you jamie!!!! man you suck at marvel...i played you before i believe at the ALERWOOD MALL and i killed you!!! muahahahaha Posted by JimmyJames on 08:11:2000 03:02 PM: you're just postin crap cuz you know i kicked your ass. /ubb/wink.gif Posted by ReCharredSigh on 08:12:2000 10:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: haha nevermind i know it's you jamie!!!! man you suck at marvel...i played you before i believe at the ALERWOOD MALL and i killed you!!! muahahahaha really? so maybe this guy was bulls***ing us??? /ubb/confused.gif btw, when i said one of the shoto's supers did 40% damage, that was when i used ryu against dr. doom at an arcade and pulled off a s.short,s.fierce-->shinkuu hadoken combo. i am not kidding. besides, wherever did you get the notion, jimmy, that the shotos' supers are weak? maybe your arcades are just messed up. how much does the aforementioned combo i just said do at your arcade? ------------------ The only cheese I tolerate is the crud you put on a pizza. "Get up! Show me your true power!" -Ryu in SF3 Posted by ICEXI on 08:12:2000 10:40 AM: Instead of using ken you should use sakura-san because when you transform you can do a triple hadou-ken Posted by ReCharredSigh on 08:12:2000 11:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by ICEXI: Instead of using ken you should use sakura-san because when you transform you can do a triple hadou-ken Huh? Oh, nevermind, i see, you mean using Anti-Air/Projectile Ryu, Projectile Akuma, and Projectile Dark Sakura. Yeah, i guess that's pretty darn cool. We're too busy flaming our asses off in this post when we should be talking about the shotos.(No offense, but no thanks to Jimmy) ------------------ The only cheese I tolerate is the crud you put on a pizza. "Get up! Show me your true power!" -Ryu in SF3 Posted by nemesis on 08:13:2000 09:51 AM: eeehhhmmmm... the shotos could be dangerous obviously if you know how to use them¡¡¡ i think that ryu is the most usefull... i know many ppl that kick ass with ryu¡¡¡ i don't see any advantages in ken... and akuma... will be akuma anywhere¡¡¡ (akuma also kick some ass...) so, my conclution is that there are many complicated and "need-skill" characters, but who said that complicated is equal to efectiveness??? "those who fear to darkness have never seen what light can do..." Posted by myne on 08:15:2000 11:38 PM: The easiest way to figure out combos for this team is just to practice eventually youll make some of your own outstanding combos if you have skill but akuma's hurricane kick into the metsogoushakku(air fireball super) is a pretty impressive combo and does serious damage. Posted by Ryu101 on 08:16:2000 03:43 AM: What was that Jimmy James? My precious Shotos are weak? Boy you better keep your mouth closed, ranting on them probably because you lose all the time to them. They are not weak if you know how to combo, they don't suck unless you don't know how to use them properly. One person may lose to you because they suck, but a true shotokan player will destroy any team of yours. ------------------ A warrior who keeps fighting and improving will never truly lose. [This message has been edited by Ryu101 (edited 08-15-2000).] Posted by Grinning Imp on 08:16:2000 05:42 AM: i actually have several points first of all i dont belive in the "useless character" 2'nd the shotos can be quite powerfull in the hands of a experienced player. 3'rd jimmy is right about one thing "Anakaris is pimp" but thats about all and other than that he can shut his obviously cheap cheezin arcade booted mouth 4'th on my fistt comment everyone and anyone can be a great carachter ione devotes time to their development anakaris especially i used him in darkstalkers and i use him now his coffin drop can stop plenty if you have experience in where to drop them and his phantom throw rivals Zangeifs piledriver and rogues kiss in annoyance. Posted by Shotokan Chris on 08:16:2000 08:48 AM: The Shotos are weak? Ha! Tell that to the Power Team players that like to try to stomp me into the ground with Juggy, Hulk, & Gief... Ask them how many times Ken grabbed them in mid-air and slung them around like a rag doll when they try to jump in on me (Yes, I will and have thrown the big guys in excess of 10 times EACH in a single match... if you can't even attempt a dash, you really need to try something new...). Ask someone how bad they're hurting after Ken does a C.LK, C.HP, ^^ SJ.LP, SJ.LK, SJ.MP, SJ.MK, Fierce Hurricane Kick, or hell, a Shoryuken... (this combo really rocks with Dan by the way). Uh oh... what was that? 1/4th to 1/3rd of your lifebar gone in that one combo? OH darn... Ah, let's not forget about the wonderful Ken ability of rolling BEHIND the opponent (QCB + LP) and a quick C.LK, C.MK, Shoryureppa, followed by whatever DHCs you wanna pull, or if they are in the corner, usually follow up with a C.LK, then Fierce Hurricane Kick for a quick 20 hit and 40% damage combo. And that's just for Ken... Ryu and Akuma can do some FAR more damaging combos. Shotos weak my ass... ------------------ Ken, Ryu, & Akuma... Who needs beamers, 'cept for those Wall Streeters Posted by Cig on 08:16:2000 11:03 AM: Let me show you something: ryu- -jump in, Fp,wp(land),wp,Fk(standing, not low),spinn kick, Super fireball (cancel from the Ryu spin kick into the super fireball, it all hits!!) -jump in,Fp,wp(land),wk,D+Fp(air),wp,wk,wp,wk Super fireball -jump in, Fp,wp,(land)wp, fireball, Super spin kick -with Ryu's BACK to the CORNER Ryu can do 2 Super spin kick moves in a row as long as the opponent is in the air as they are hit, both hit and i dont believe you can tech roll. this. Akuma- -jump in, wk,(land)wk,wp,Fk(standing),spin kick,wk, spin kick,wk, D+FP,(air)wp,wk,wp,wk, spin kick, air Super fireball.(but can be tech rolled after the 1st spin kick, or the 2nd one) (LOL akuma has no big combos LOL) -jump in, wk,(land)wk,wp,fk,spin kick, air superfireball(cannot be tech rolled) -jump in, wk,(land)wk,D+Fp(air),wp,wk,wp,wk,spinkick, super air fireball(cannot be tech rolled) Ken- -jump in, wk,wk(land)wp,wk,wk,fireball, super Uppercut these combos all average about 33% of life bars. -Ryu wk,wk,FK,SuperSpin Kick,(cancel)Akuma SuperAir Spin Kick,(cancel)Ken SuperKick Uppercut. "Nothing matters, the fight is all." -Ryu [This message has been edited by Cig (edited 08-15-2000).] Posted by ReCharredSigh on 08:16:2000 11:23 AM: don't mind this reply- im just testing a gif image. [gif][/gif] try this one- in the corner, do a 2-hit low kick to launch, and then a 4-hit air combo that ends in a hadoken, then ex into a shinkuu hadoken. it will work, as long as it is done fast, and im gonna try it soon. ------------------ The only cheese I tolerate is the crud you put on a pizza. "Get up! Show me your true power!" -Ryu in SF3 Posted by ReCharredSigh on 08:16:2000 11:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by ReCharredSigh: don't mind this reply- im just testing a gif image. [gif][/gif] oops, heh, this is wrong /ubb/biggrin.gif ------------------ The only cheese I tolerate is the crud you put on a pizza. "Get up! Show me your true power!" -Ryu in SF3 Posted by crassus on 09:29:2000 10:32 AM: the shotos are not weak. i just tried using the shoto team today for the 1st time n i kicked ass. 12 straight wins, altho i would say about 5 of those wins are fr killing scrubs. 3 of the rest are wins against 2 players that i usually lose to them about 60% of the time. shotos dun have really strong combos when compared to some other characters, but the way they make up for each others weaknesses and their DHCs are more reasons to overlook those weaknesses. the only thing is, I HATE AKUMA'S DEFENSE HANDYCAP!! james chen rules. dun say he sux until u can make better combos than him n post the videos here to convince the rest of us. [This message has been edited by crassus (edited 09-28-2000).] Posted by nefdar on 10:02:2000 02:29 PM: Okay you bunch of flaming scrubs. I'm going to tell you now, all the shotos are middle tier at best. Ken is the best one, because of his AAA and the quasi-glitch damage on his air hurricane combo as well as him having enough range and invulnerability on his DP to escape certain traps. Ryu and Akuma are a tough call, but I'd put Akuma before Ryu because of the teleport. But none of them are nearly top tier matierial. Anakaris is the worst character in the game bar none. Valle could pick Anakaris and I would whup his ass. Kobun, Roll, Dan, hell even Gief is better than Anakaris. At least Gief can throw. Kobun and Roll are actually okay characters, Kobun is better than any of the shotos by far, although I doubt any of you scrubs can tell me why. Lemme tell everyone the secret to beating Anakaris...hold DB on the controller and continuously call Doom. You win. Anakaris can do nothing against a character who is crouch blocking, he can't throw and both overheads(b+lk and the quick takeoff pyramid) are slow, and he can't do significant block damage. I promise your Anakaris will never hit me, and the only thing you'll be able to do is try to chip me with coffins from SJ height which will absolutely never work against good AAA. So you have to rely on assists to do any damage, but any character could do that so why not use a good character to back up the assist, eh? It just makes me laugh that we're having a war between scrubs who think the shotos in MvC2 are somehow good and some poser who claims to be some kind of northwest champion and he claims to play Gief and Anakaris. At least there are some good characters in his catch all list like Doom, Cable, Spiral, and possibly Juggy. If you claim to be an authority, then show me your tournament record, scrub. I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Or even better yet, somebody give me just one way that it is in any way possible for a Ken/Ryu/Akuma team, or for anyone using Anakaris, to beat Sentinel/Doom/Blackheart. Maybe you know something I don't but I doubt it. -Colin Posted by TS on 10:02:2000 08:47 PM: Yes, the 3 shotos are probably middle tier. But by definition, so are most of the characters in the game. So neh. As for the A/R/K team, I personally wouldn't put more than one of them on a team. It's true that there's some DHC potential there (especially if you want to cancel somebody's super into a Shin Shoryuken), but maybe it's just me. When I play a "balanced" team, I usually do it by having three different types of characters, instead of three "balanced" ones. For combos- well, I don't play these three (I actually don't play Ken or Akuma at all, really...), but I know you can DHC the Messatsu Gou Shoryuu/Shoryureppa into a Shin Shoryuken. Ryu combos? I think you're choosing the wrong character if you want big combos. My stuff with Ryu really never gets bigger than crouch HP, standard 4-hit air chain, starting with WP, air Shinkuu Hadoken, DHC into Hail Storm. Akuma can turtle, by the way. Speaking of which, all three shotos are NOT the same, especially in MvC2. Ken has no long range game at all, basically, but does the most damage of the three when close. Akuma does/takes more damage than the others, and Ryu is just Ryu. Best at long distance, of the three, IMO. Air beam helps. Oh yeah, and they all have different supers. Duh. Good luck with your team. Posted by TS on 10:03:2000 12:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by JimmyJames: james chen sucks. he can only do combos against non moving computers. all of the combos he does i have seen before he creates the video. james chen has no skill. and i am not saying i'm the best, but so far no one has been able to consistantly beat me... First James Chen doesn't suck. You saying he can only do combos on non-moving CPU opponents is just retarded, as you have never played him. He makes combo vids because he likes to, not because he can't do anything else. Idiot. Second "and i am not saying i'm the best, but so far no one has been able to consistantly beat me..." Now pay attention. That statement means ONE thing. It means that nobody around you is better than you. It does NOT mean you are good. It does NOT mean you could beat anyone else here, and it most definitely does NOT mean you're a better player than Mr. Chen. You're good on a local scale, and that's good. Take your ass to a major tournament though, with the big names, and see how well you do. The realization that you're not as good as you thought you were may not be a pleasant one, but it's a beneficial one. Posted by Dasrik on 10:03:2000 02:28 AM: Um, just to let all you scrubs know what's *really* up: Cable is good, arguably the best character in the game (although others will swear by Storm or Magneto). With a properly charged meter he can kill you for one mistake, plus his keep-away game is solid. Complaining about how his name is "cheap" and how he was put in the game to satisfy "cheapers" will not change the fact that (1) He's still a damn good character, and (2) You're a whiny scrub who, instead of thinking about how to beat Cable users, can just complain in impotent rage about how he's "cheap". And being the "Best player in Seattle" does not make you God. I guarantee you will get your ego severely scraped down if you had the guts to come to L.A. and spend two hours in Southern Hills Golfland. Anyone who talks as much shit as you do should be ready to back it up. But of course, talk is cheap, and I doubt you're ready. As for the origin of this post - the ARK team is weak, weak, weak. And the shotos are anything BUT balanced in MvC2. Akuma is totally overrated - he has no good way to evade basic traps and he takes damage like a child. Ryu is fairly worse, with no air-to-ground game and one of the worse beam supers. Ken is the only one with a fair amount of potential. To sum it all up - JimmyJames, get over yourself, and the rest of you, you can use whatever teams you like, but don't kid yourself. You can SAY "my Roll can beat ANY Cable" as much as you like, but the fact is, they're just words, and words that you can't back up unless you come to one of the better arcades in the world. End. Posted by DarkVegeta on 10:03:2000 06:40 AM: they are definately one of the best teams on the game, especially ken. but as ive said before, it all depends on the player. I am the prince of all Saiyins once again. Posted by shadowcharlie on 10:03:2000 06:50 AM: yeah gotah respect the bland bastards too easy Posted by Shuzer on 10:03:2000 07:54 AM: Ryu and Akuma are straight middle tier. Ken is upper-middle, because of air Hurricane and assist. Put them together, what do you get? A strictly average team. And for all you people posting the big combos.. how are you going to land them if I have Psylocke/Cammy/Ken/Cyclops AAA? You simply can't get in on them. Sure Ryu can at least punish helpers with his beam super, but damage on helper is recoverable, and I can just tag you in your recovery frames(most notably: Magneto air combo, AHVB). And no comment on JimmyJames from me. I don't think I need to comment on it. BTW... I remember someone saying like "I suck? Don't you see the combos I post?"... posting combos doesn't show your skill in the game. Posted by Colossus on 10:23:2000 10:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by JimmyJames: cable is one of the best characters in the game logically thinking, but you're probably just some stupid little kid who whines and whines cuz you pick dumb people on your team, that's why you haven't mentioned it yet. and i see again you don't read the whole post, you just see "cable" and think cheap. -------- I think you are stupid james. There is no such thing as a weak character in that game it only depends on if a person is familiar with a character or not i went to the finals with servbot felicia and colossus because I was familiar with their attacks.You have to remember that some characters might not have 'fancy' moves but can still be good and I do believe cable is cheap. Can you honestly tell me that you're not the type that blocks and then wait for an opening to attack because I've never seen any good cable players that play fairly and attacks first. I bet that you're one of the cheapass types that jump back and link up all 5 of cable's hyper vipers. Posted by Dasrik on 10:23:2000 09:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Colossus: I think you are stupid james. There is no such thing as a weak character in that game it only depends on if a person is familiar with a character or not i went to the finals with servbot felicia and colossus because I was familiar with their attacks.You have to remember that some characters might not have 'fancy' moves but can still be good and I do believe cable is cheap. Can you honestly tell me that you're not the type that blocks and then wait for an opening to attack because I've never seen any good cable players that play fairly and attacks first. I bet that you're one of the cheapass types that jump back and link up all 5 of cable's hyper vipers. FUCKING SCRUB!!! Who cares if you got to the "finals" with that weak shit team? You fail to mention what tournament you were playing and the type of competition, and I'll tell you one thing - your competition is definitely shit if you actually placed with SERVBOT on your team. And who gives a shit if you think Cable is cheap? Facts are facts - Cable is top tier, and not because he can do "fair" combos. No, it's because of his ability to punish mistakes with AHVB ad nauseum. If you can't deal with the fact that MvC2 is broken... quit your whining, bitch, and play another game. Posted by Colossus on 10:31:2000 04:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik: FUCKING SCRUB!!! Who cares if you got to the "finals" with that weak shit team? You fail to mention what tournament you were playing and the type of competition, and I'll tell you one thing - your competition is definitely shit if you actually placed with SERVBOT on your team. And who gives a shit if you think Cable is cheap? Facts are facts - Cable is top tier, and not because he can do "fair" combos. No, it's because of his ability to punish mistakes with AHVB ad nauseum. If you can't deal with the fact that MvC2 is broken... quit your whining, bitch, and play another game. -------- Being able to use weird characters well doesn't make me a scrub. I just refuse to use techniques used by everyone. Yes I am the type that likes to attract an audience because that's what playin at the arcade is all about. I get hella bored with dumbass that I see who always usees their magneto, cammy, storm, CABLE etc.....thinking they all that just cause they do a combo that waste a lot.Well 'news flash' don't think that the combo looks good and that you are good because Everyone knows and seen it done to death. I personally think that a good game isn't about being able to wipe out a player with a lot of me a good game is suppose to be about tricking your opponent then kicking their ass Not hide until your enemy can't move then take out a chunk of their life. And I didn't say I kicked hella people's ass cause with servbot in fact he was the first to die before I could even switch out because of 'skilled' cable users. I can't honestly say that I rushed in and beat on an opponent with him cause that's not what I did. Any smart servbot users would know that the best way to use him is to build up supers and use lunch rush cause that's the only way to kill with him I like that technique because it pisses the hell outta everyone and again: I play not to be the best but to entertain the people surrounding. And I didn't say that Cable is weak I said he's cheap and can you honestly say that he isn't? Although I would say that cable USERS are weak because they refuse to learn that in order to have fun at the arcades they have to have fun and make the match as entertaining as possible not kicking their opponent's ass as quick as possible Would you honestly say to everyone here that you have fun doing the same shit over and over again with cable cause I just get sick of watching cable users. P.S. Hey das mind telling me what kind of team you use [This message has been edited by Colossus (edited 10-30-2000).] Posted by God_of_Poop on 10:31:2000 05:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by Colossus: -------- Being able to use weird characters well doesn't make me a scrub. I just refuse to use techniques used by everyone. Yes I am the type that likes to attract an audience because that's what playin at the arcade is all about. I get hella bored with dumbass that I see who always usees their magneto, cammy, storm, CABLE etc.....thinking they all that just cause they do a combo that waste a lot.Well 'news flash' don't think that the combo looks good and that you are good because Everyone knows and seen it done to death. I personally think that a good game isn't about being able to wipe out a player with a lot of me a good game is suppose to be about tricking your opponent then kicking their ass Not hide until your enemy can't move then take out a chunk of their life. And I didn't say I kicked hella people's ass cause with servbot in fact he was the first to die before I could even switch out because of 'skilled' cable users. I can't honestly say that I rushed in and beat on an opponent with him cause that's not what I did. Any smart servbot users would know that the best way to use him is to build up supers and use lunch rush cause that's the only way to kill with him I like that technique because it pisses the hell outta everyone and again: I play not to be the best but to entertain the people surrounding. And I didn't say that Cable is weak I said he's cheap and can you honestly say that he isn't? Although I would say that cable USERS are weak because they refuse to learn that in order to have fun at the arcades they have to have fun and make the match as entertaining as possible not kicking their opponent's ass as quick as possible Would you honestly say to everyone here that you have fun doing the same shit over and over again with cable cause I just get sick of watching cable users. P.S. Hey das mind telling me what kind of team you use [This message has been edited by Colossus (edited 10-30-2000).] Heh you are a srucb i have fun playing as cable waiting for them to push a button and AHVB them its fun. I have fun run away all day with storm watching the other guy try to get me down i have using doom and BH's anti air assit and doom's jump back firece Posted by Iceman on 11:01:2000 04:31 AM: Me too GoP. I have LOTs of fun trying to link as many AHVBs as possible. I enjoy killing helpers with multiple AHVBs or HSFs (Sentinal). I have fun winning with my "cheap ass top-tiered" teams of Sentinal/Cable/Cyclops and Strider/Sentinal/Doom, as well as having fun with Trone Bonne, Ruby Heart, Iron Man, and Silver Samurai. Posted by ducks on 11:01:2000 05:19 AM: the shotos supers are weak ass, ryu and akuma should be just for fun and if you have ken you should save supers for someone else like a top tier character, Posted by ducks on 11:01:2000 05:22 AM: god of poop , you're the scrub man, but colossus is one too, weak ass novelty characters might attract crowds but when someone beats you badly its over Posted by Colossus on 11:02:2000 03:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by ducks: god of poop , you're the scrub man, but colossus is one too, weak ass novelty characters might attract crowds but when someone beats you badly its over ----- As I said earlier I'm an entertainer I don't try to be the best I just like looking at something new. You said that you like to link up cable's ahvc.I just find that annoying because it just seemed like you're using nothing but pure power. That isn't what i called skills That's what I call quick hands. You're just familiar on how to use the joystick well if you pay more attention then you'll realize that cable is a coward: always hiding around and when the opponent turns his back then he starts stabbing. Try playing fighting games the classic way and fight instead of using cheap ass traps.You might think that you're the best or some shit but have you even been to an iron men match(for those who aren't familiar Iron men matches are games played with no assist and no tag out just like a oldschool vs game) I'll bet that you wouldn't last one round. [This message has been edited by Colossus (edited 11-01-2000).] Posted by God_of_Poop on 11:02:2000 04:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by ducks: god of poop , you're the scrub man, but colossus is one too, weak ass novelty characters might attract crowds but when someone beats you badly its over Why am i scrub? cause i win? ask team SHGL about my scrubiness Posted by God_of_Poop on 11:02:2000 04:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: Why am i scrub? cause i win? ask team SHGL about my scrubiness, I cant help if i'm a serious tourney player i always have to play my best, i play duc, alex valle, tone, nyte, watts, viscant and other worthy peeps on a regular basis so going lower of my skill level is just plain retarded Posted by ducks on 11:05:2000 03:18 AM: my definition of scrub isnt how good you are its your mentality, for example, someone who like to throw out names whats your favorite planet? mine is the sun, because its the king of planets. All times are GMT. 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